If you live in the Village of Key Biscayne, your Voting Precinct is Of the 5 variable districts on your Voter Registration Card, 2 of them have changed after the redistricting maps were finalized. You will receive NEW VOTER REGISTRATION CARDS from the Department of Elections before the election. In the meantime, you can find the new district numbers to follow emerging candidates and representatives in your newly reapportioned district. The filing deadline for candidates before the August 23rd Primary Election is June 17th . Readers can share the Islander News e-edition which included map hyperlinks for each district category. Miami-Dade residents can type in their
ZIP code to view and check if their up-to-date voting district.
Christina Bracken
Redistricting – Does it Affect Voters in Key Biscayne’s Precinct 051?
The results of the 2020 Census had Florida emerge as the 3rd most populated state in the nation with 21.5 million people after California and Texas. 2,736,877 or 14.6% more people called Florida their home in 2020 than a decade prior. The population increase won Florida an additional Congressional House Seat (from 27 to 28). Another change prompted by the Census results? Redistricting! It’s the redrawing of voting districts to adjust for uneven growth rates in different parts of the state. Districts determine which voters participate in which elections.