The results of the 2020 Census won Florida an additional Congressional House Seat (from 27 to 28) the 3rd most populated state in the nation with 21.5 million people (after California and Texas). The increase in population also prompted the redrawing of voting districts to adjust for uneven growth rates in different parts of the state. As new districts are now drawn up and approved, some voters will find the information on their Voter ID card has changed. If you live in Key Biscayne, the District for State Senate will now be D-38 (was D-37). Your State House District was D-112 and will now be D-113. When you receive your new Voter ID Card, be sure to check that all information on it is correct. Besides confirming your name and address, make certain you have a Party Affiliation, so you are eligible to vote in the upcoming Primary Election on August 23rd to select the candidates on the ballot in November. To check or update your registration go to or
Christina Bracken
Redistricting Prompts New Voter Information Cards
Today marks 75 days to the Primary Election. Starting this week, the Miami Election Department is sending out new Voter Information Cards in multiple batches to every registered voter in Miami-Dade County. All 1,513,356 of them.