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Harvey Ruvin

¿Quién es Harvey Ruvin?

Por favor, conozca a Harvey Ruvin, el secretario de tribunales de larga data para el condado de Miami-Dade. Usted podría preguntar: "¿qué es un secretario de los tribunales"? El secretario de los tribunales presta apoyo a los jueces, abogados y otros funcionarios del tribunal y vela por que todos los procesos judiciales se desarrollen sin problemas y de manera eficaz en los sistemas de justicia penal y civil. Al proponerse pagar una multa de estacionamiento, buscar registros, aparecer como testigo, solicitar una licencia de matrimonio, tratar de pagar una citación de tráfico, tratar con la sucesión, tener preguntas sobre el deber del jurado o recibir pagos de pensión alimenticia de manutención infantil: está ingresando al dominio que administra Harvey Ruvin.

Su gobierno en el trabajo – Multas de estacionamiento, deber de jurado y sucesiones para comenzar con …

Florida currently operates under a two-tier trial court system of circuit and county courts, established in 1972. Florida is divided into 20 Circuit Courts, mostly comprised of several of the 67 Florida counties. Only 5 Circuit Courts are stand-alone counties: Miami-Dade, Hillsborough, Palm Beach, Monroe, and Broward. The Eleventh Judicial Circuit covers Miami-Dade and has 80 circuit court judges and 43 county court judges who are elected for six-year terms. At the end of this time, judges may run for reelection and serve additional terms. In the circuit and county trial courts, factual disputes are resolved, either by jury trials where verdicts are rendered by the people, or by non-jury or «bench» trials where a judge decides the issues in the case. In general, County Courts, sometimes called «the people’s courts», are courts of limited jurisdiction where minor criminal (misdemeanor) and civil cases are heard. In the Circuit Courts, which are the highest state trial courts in Florida, major criminal (felony), civil, family, juvenile and probate matters are heard.
Secretario de Tribunales – ¡En línea en lugar de en línea!
Ruvin has been the Miami-Dade clerk of courts for the past 28 years. Elected to clerk of courts in 1992, he has been re-elected five times since. He was first elected to public office in 1968 at the age of 30, serving as mayor of the City of North Bay Village, Fla. In 1972, he was elected to the Metro Dade County Commission, where he served for 20 years and became president of the National Association of Counties. In August 2020 Harvey Ruvin was named the 2020 winner of the Robert B. Yegge Award for Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Judicial Administration by the Lawyers Conference of the ABA’s Judicial Division. He was chosen for his efforts to modernize the Miami-Dade courts, improve the technology of judicial administration and improve services to the county’s citizens. Harvey Ruvin and his Redesigned Website COVID has make in-person interactions difficult or impossible, prompting Ruvin to redesign the office’s website to streamline these transactions and make the interaction more convenient. The redesign effort focused on:
  • Navegación más fácil gracias a los menús simplificados y al contenido simplificado
  • Servicios más populares disponibles en la página de inicio
  • Función de búsqueda de casos consolidada y capacidades mejoradas de búsqueda de contenido
  • Diseño receptivo para una mejor visualización en todas las plataformas (computadora de escritorio, computadora portátil, tableta, teléfono inteligente, etc.)
Government Needs Feedback Everyone is encouraged to explore this website and submit feedback as the Clerk’s office continues to make improvements to meet the needs of the community. (The new redesign was completed using only in-house resources. If you had bookmarked any pages, they will need to be refreshed). For Feedback: https://www2.miami-dadeclerk.com/messagecenter/ To visit the Miami-Dade County Clerk of the Courts:  https://www.miami-dadeclerk.com/clerk/home.page For general information, call 305-275-1155 for the Automated Voice Response System DIAL.

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